Come on, update your review Gamespot!
User Rating: 9.5 | EVE Online PC
Don`t you folks at Gamespot think a review that gave Eve Online a 6.6 back in june of 2003 is a little out of date for a game that has evolved as much as this one? The paid subscriptions to CCP`s Eve Online has topped well over 300,000 and is growing at a time of severe worldwide depression, doesn`t that tell you something about the attraction and popularity the game has? Yes I know, WOW has far more, but then "Checkers" has always been a much easier game to learn than "Chess". Come on, do the update soon. This multiplayer game deserves nothing less than to be objectively reviewed again, especially considering there`s been almost 7 years worth of Eve Online updates since your last one. Surely there must be one reviewer on your staff that has played this game long enough by now to form an objective review based on a depth of understanding commensurate with what this game deserves? I await your review..... :)