I saw the trailer and im amazed with the graphics. I love the community they are friendly and very helpful.

User Rating: 9.4 | EVE Online PC
Im still playing EVE online on a free trial account. I will purchase the game when my free account expires. I love the game play of EVE, graphics and sounds.

The thing is with EVE it is by far one of the most hardcore MMO's out there. EVE revolves heavily around it's ingame economy system, you pretty much have to join up with a corporation (guild) from day one to and start mining asteroid fields in your little tug boat to earn your keep and make some money to buy a decent sized ship. for the first couple of weeks or so you'll be doing nothing but mining. set your ship in an asteroid field, set it to mine and go watch a movie or take a walk.

You don't gain exp, rather you try to make enough money to buy new skills to learn. learning skills can take a few hours up to even a few days. These skills will allow you to mine better, knowledge yourself in different weapons, navigate jumps better and allow you to pilot better ships.

EVE Online is a very nice change of pace from World of Warcraft (in that it's just about its polar opposite) and I'd definitely recommend giving it a whirl.