It's a great game, if you have the patience and character that suits it.

User Rating: 9.3 | EVE Online: Exodus PC
There's combat if you look for it, I spent quite a bit of time at the end of my trial period flying around from asteroid field to asteroid field hunting pirate npcs for their often valuable drops. This method certainly wasn't as lucrative as, say, buying a frigate and loading up on trade goods, then shuttling them to another system and selling them off, then repeating it over and over again (this is how I made the money to buy a cruiser) or mining, but I found it to be quite enjoyable. The skill system takes some getting used to, but in my case it added a lot of anticipation to the completion of learning some of the longer trainers (frigate IV took 2.5 days, felt really good when it was done and I was able to fly my cruiser).

Well all I can say is that this game have a very outstanding graphics and sounds. I love the way they make their gameplay. This game is not for those who doesnt have patience. This game is for matured people who understands the game pace of EVE.