So, I picked up EVE Online (well, downloaded the trial) on Saturday. There's a 14 day trial, so I thought I would download it and see what the game was now like after I had downloaded it and quit before I finished the tutorial because it was so damn confusing. Well, let me tell you this game has improved so **** much it isn't even something I could fathom. The tutorial is text-based AND speech-based, the gameplay is so good, the graphics **** blow my mind, the battles are awesome. Gamefly, what the hell is wrong with you? Why the hell did you give this game a 6.6? That is such an underrated game that it isn't even funny, its sad. I gave the game a 9.5 myself and I've seen about four or five 10s with reviews just on the first page of the player reviews.
I'm not too sure who reviewed the game but whoever it was must've been smoking some crack when they were writing the review, and I'm not kidding. I've attached some screenshots to prove my point that EVE Online is the best MMO game that has ever been downloaded on any computer. Ever. Period, end of statement.
I said this and more and have some screenshots in my blog: copy and paste link in your web browser ( ). Review don't allow links for whateve reason.
I have no idea why they gave this game a fair rating, other than that it's possible they may be catering to a younger, less mature, more impatient, more immediate gratification, less thinking and more spoonfeeding, audie... Read Full Review
I don't blame Gamespot for overlooking this game. I did too, two years ago. But I tried it again 3 months ago and now I beat myself up for not doing so earlier. This is the most in-depth 'game' one will ever find. Ev... Read Full Review