EVE is a different type of MMORPS. though most players think of World of Warcreaft, Guild Wars, Lord of the rigns, and so on like them when you hear MMORPG's, EVE went into a different direction. its a futuristic game that uses space ships as its main usuage, instead of normal people. and like most online games, you have to pay to play. you start off with picking 1 of 4 races. from that race you branch off to the 3 different clan types of the race, then the sex, then 1 of 3 types of people from that clan, then you chose a carrer type (military, industrial, buissness). each carrer has 2 types. now this is such a deep character customization that you will literaly never run out of waqys to change your skills, or do different things. now theres a problem with this all. once you start off with your character you must level your skills. skills range from mining, to space ship types. the problem is it could take days on end just to level one skill. now normaly for an MMORPG, thats no problem since stuff like that is common. however there are so many skills that if you dont limit your self you could very well burn your self out on the wait times, and miss something better. now once you get your character chossen and ready the game starts you off with a free ship (and like the game says its a piece of juink so get another one fast). the tutorial is very helpfull and should be looked at. now like most games comes the issues of cash. in EVE there are several ways to collect cash. one way is to go mining with the space ship to an astoroid belt, which can be boring, but gives you the chance to go out and do things while you ship mines. problem being if you ship has no defenses (ie guns) then when you enter a low security area youll likely see some space pirates and have to run. if mining isnt what you like there is always some mission to kill X space pirate or deliver some goods. to get these missions one must talk to an agent (one in most every station) and take up a contract from a job. most of these should be done with more then one person, seeing as most missions are difficult alone. also there are player missions that people will give out, for example some one wants item A moved to area B, you can take up the contract to do so but you must pay a collateral ( some people make the collateral way to high, those are the jobs to stay away from). and of course there is the bounty hunter to go kill X space pirate some where, which will take you every where and is a good way to explore. and now the one part i hate about the game, and like most MMORPG's the part i hate the most, travel. with EVE there is a unique system of gates which will launch you from solar system to system in seconds, and you ship has a warp drive to get from one side of a solar system to the other side in a flash. problem is that most of the time you have to take a trip thats 6 or 7 jumps away (by jump i mean take a gate), which can take a long time. and even then once you set your destination to some where in the reagion it iwll leave you at the gate leaving you still have to travel to the area you wanted so try not to forget. and moving your ship isnt to fun to. while the ships seem slow (without after burners) your stuck clicking places one the map if you wanna get there fast. for example say you wanna go 50km away, so you click it in the map to make your ship go there, problem is half the time you end up clicking a far off plent in the map and targeting it so you wont be moving to where you wanted, its hard to move around manualy at times seeing as how the space is clutered with symboles way out of range and yet you seem to target them when you dont wanna. however fighting in the game is quite easy. load up a gun on the ship go out and target a ship and shoot. you can go more indeepth than that. find out the max range of a gun and set you ship to stay at max fire range the whole fight leading to an advantage if you have longer range. and even then the ammo you have does different types of damage (i.e. nuks, plasmas, lasters, and regular old steal bullets) so you can always change things up. the option to PVP is limited since it is outter space. you can either go to a low area zone and hope to see someone and kill em or go to enemy regions and fight other races. it can take a long while to find anyone to kill so PVP isnt for the impatient in this game
and now for the meat and potatos of the review the ratings
Gameplay: 7/10
new players can get lost fast in the amount that is given, but if you manage to hang on and get the basics, then you will have a very immursive fun game.
graphics: 8/10
not as good as some games out there right now, but the detail on the ships is so clean even on lower settings. even the warp drive visuial will impress the first time around. not to mention the stars, space stations, and other ships.
sound: 6/10
the music was good the first few times i got on the game but after awhile i just went and played normal music, since at times youll not even be sure if the music is on or not. and not to mention the lame attemps at makeing the gun sounds and missle sounds, this is where the game fell short.
community: 7/10
like most MMORPG's a good comminty makes for a good game. and fortunatly for EVE it has a half decent community. from the rookie help channel (dont be afraid to ask questions there since its to help new people, everyonce and a while a jerk comes along, but its good for the most part) to the massive amounts of corporations you can join (corporations are large groups like guilds or such). most people are freindly, or will just not realy bother you. good thing about this community is if someone ask you for money you can just warp away.
Overall: 7.5/ 10
a good game that can be deep for some people, and easy to get lost in, it truly is a change of pace for most online games. its worth the pic up if you get a chance. but remeber its one of the games you have to pay to play.
It is a game of PVP. It is ruthless. There are many safe areas. These areas are good for things like running missions (small "quests"), and mining minerals of intermidate value (mining is a good way to make mon... Read Full Review
When i first found EVE, over a year ago, i was much younger, and dissapointed by the slow- paced gameplay, and i went back to WoW. But, i decided that a year later, i'd try it out again. I played through the lengthly tut... Read Full Review