Lots of new stuff...but nothing new.
Yes there is a lot of new STUFF for your toon.
But the new stuff is...underwhelming. There is no grueling questline that compares to the epic weapon timeline. The new battlegrounds lack any sense of adventure making PVP gear feel cheap and easy to get, compared to even the daylong zergfests of Kylong Plains past. The new zones are packed with reasonably good quests but nothing that jumps out in your memory bank when recalling your time spent on the game.
Money is now very easy to get. Quests payout 40-90 gold each so spending a day on a level 90 toon will easily make 100 platinum, and more than that if you do a few heroic instances and broker a few master books at 200 platinum a pop.
The tier 9 mastercrafted weapons and armor are, sadly, complete garbage. Given the amount of money everyone is making now due to the huge quest payouts rare items needed to craft them are ridiculously priced.
I think everyone who has played EQ2 for any length of time agrees Echoes of Faydwer saved the game from obsoletion and Kunark brought more good content then bad. Sadly, I believe while Sentinel's Fate tries it's best to borrow elements from competing mmorpgs to build a user base it succeeds further in turning off hardcore Everquesters than it ever will in bringing a new crowd.