Take another look, the game today is not what SOE initially launched!
Along comes Echoes of Faydwer expansion...many return to EQ2 and discover the game has not only been completely revamped, but the game is highly playable, great fun and one of the best, if not THE best MMO on the market. Not only has SOE removed all of the bad elements of the released version of EQ2, but they added tons upon tons of content, fixed major, minor and just plain annoying bugs. The playerbase rejoiced!
Now, what took me out of EQ2 once again was Vanguard. That is another story, and very depressing (thanks Brad)...I eventually left Vanguard, but since I never played the WoW expansion, I figured I would enjoy it.
Summer 2007: GenCon at Indy...SOE is showcasing Rise of Kunark. Game looks even more amazing, the animation of the new Sarnak race is perfect and there was much much more added since EoF.
Rise of Kunark finally launches, I return as well do many many others. The EQ2 of old is gone, a distant memory. Rising up like a phoenix, EQ2 of today is a game that falls just short of perfect. SOE has been extremely busy with the polish and it shows.
I'm not a fanboi, I love WoW, I enjoyed it immensely and will play it again. If you played EQ2 in the past and felt completely dissappointed, give it another chance. The servers have tons of players on them, most are Heavy load during peak times. This game is stronger than ever and is only starting to pick up momentum.