The Best MMO Out there. Period. End of Story.
PROS: Huge expansive content, impressive continually improving graphics, many race/class combos. Nearly all classes can solo AND group effectively. Can acquire good gear with mostly group and NOT raid content. TONS of solo content. Excellent crafting system complete with crafting quests. Fast travel. Easy to find your way around with the built in maps. Will suit the hardcore raider and casual gamers tastes. NOT a huge time investment. Possible to play several hours a day and level up. The best PvE experiences of any MMOs. Friendly (older too) community. This is not your typical WoW gamer's universe!
CONS: Need a fairly decent rig to run with the graphics cranked up. PvP is fairly dumb and based more on class vs class than skill. Expansions can get pricey.
OVERALL: The Best MMO is here.