A lot different than the other expansions, fun, but also changes the direction of the game.
This expansion has ALOT of quests, but the majority of them are all solo. They followed the Burning Crusade model almost exactly . Now, these quests are alot of fun and great writing, but everything is really streamlined, as in one quest leads to another, once you finish an area there is another quest to lead you to the next area. I had great fun doing them with the Necro, and I am enjoying the 2nd go around with the Brigand.
But the problem seems to me that they made most of the content for solo leveling. Not only that, you are forced to do these quests to travel without being kill on sight to all the different factions. So if soloing or EZ mode small groups is not your thing, well tough luck. There are a few dungeons you could grind in. But the EXP is very slow for kills, and the very fast for quests.
There are also no Heritage quests that I have found, which is extremely disappointing, it makes me think they really rushed this out for xmas. Of course, they can always add stuff, and I really hope we get some Heritage quests soon. (A good one would be a heritage quest about the Lamentation sword, or trakanon's tooth or something)
All that being said, EQ2 is by far the best MMO out there. It's depth, complexity and scope dwarf all other modern MMOs. I would have to say this is a step back from Echoes of Faydwer though.