Okay, first, let me start with my system specs. Reason being, I see quite a few people wondering how this game will run on their system, or thinking you need a top end system to play. I'm running an Athlon 2200+ ( 1.8 GHz) 1 gig of RAM, and a Radeon 9700 pro video card, Cable Internet. Not a top end system at all, but I can run it, and get very high quality performance. I run the game at high settings, and I can only imagine if I had a top end system. Only thing I can suggest, is that you make sure you have the latest drivers. I'll preface the rest of this by addressing one other issue. The inevitable comparision with WoW. Personally, I think it's going to be a matter of preference of what people will like to play. I spent time in WoW beta, and did enjoy it. I found it to be entertaining, and a quality game, however some parts of it, I just did not care for, no matter how well done, and I did with EQ 2. EQ 2 universe is immersive. Having NPC's voiced, and giving quests add's plenty to a sense of actually being there. Yes, some NPC's needed in quests are harder to find, but personally, I'd rather have to work for something, rather than just having it handed to me on a plate. With the help of a scout, and get to know one, they can track NPC's, and PC's, and usually dont have all that hard a time finding the NPC you need. Zoning instead of seamless world is interesting. I've always enjoyed seamless worlds, like SWG, but I've always found that there are vast areas that just dont have any people playing there. Something I noticed in WoW, was that in getting to lvl 24, there were just places nobody was at. The idea to instance areas in EQ 2 has had some folks in an uproar, for positive or for negative. I was unsure at first, but I've found it to be a VERY positive part of game play. There are plenty of people in main areas, and it's easy to find groups, it just ensures that there are not 10 groups waiting for 1 spawn. Now, there might be 4 instances, so you have 2-3 groups waiting for spawns. Thus, more time playing, chatting, and less time fighting/arguing with people for a turn on a spawn. This makes sense.... I've had no more than what I'd call usual problems while tagging an enemy during combat than I'd expect. However, the Heroic Opportunity is something that more than makes up for any problem with combat. In groups its a key component of destryoing something that might be tougher than the group. It's the great equalizer, and it requires that you pay attention to the wheel, and what it calls for next. I really like this feature. I really hate thinking about writing a review of a game this close to release, especially a MMORPG, because so much can change. Also, my time in beta, is just that, beta time, not time playing a finished product. I'm doing it anyhow, because I dont think some of the reviewers gave EQ2 a fair shake, as they seemed to prefer WoW. After all, just because you dont like EQ 2, doesnt mean it's a bad game, it means it you prefer a different type of game. To try to sum up. I think EQ 2 and WoW will appeal to different audiences. EQ 2 offers a different level of immersion. It has a more "classic" fantasy look to it. WoW has the cartoony look. I dont care for it, but it is sharp lookin. PvP, well, EQ 2 may have it some day, but that day isnt in the near future, they balanced their classes with the idea of PvE, and to add PvP, would require a major league overhaul. Me, I played UO for about 4 years right after release, and I loved my time there. Since I stopped playing, I've never really found a MMORPG that held my attention the same way. Right now, EQ 2 has promise to do just that for me. I really had to struggle to play WoW beta, and by the time I got to level 24, I knew I was just wasting my time with it, because it was no comparassion. EQ 2 was going to be the game for me, WoW might be a good game, but was not the game for me.
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