Lost dungeons of norrath is a perfect expansion for players who only have a few hours to play Everquest
Everquest lost dungeons of norrath is a great expansion for many reasons, but a really good reason is the fact that it takes place in the original 3 continents of Everquest. The "old school EQ" as some experienced players call it. This is great, because the original 3 continents are the best there is in the Everquest world and as Everquest has branched out into many different continents and expansions, it's nice to see one coming back to the original 3 where it all started. To get to these dungeons, you have to go up to these group of NPC's (Non player characters) and basically start up one of these small quests, you need at least 4 people in your party and you have only 30 minutes to get to the location, once you get there though, you have approximately 2 hours to get through your LDON or (lost dungeons of norrath) quest before you automatically get warped out of the dungeon. If you can complete it in enough time, you will get even more bonus points which can be used to purchase new gear, spells, or weapons for your character.
Another addition to this expansion is the ability to put augments into your armor and weapons. Some armor/weapons will have these slots where you can put augments into them. Depending on the piece of gear, it will give certain bonus stats to it, but can't be taken out and also makes the item a no drop, meaning it can't be dropped on the ground, sold, or traded with another player. The bad part of this is of course, you can't sell that piece of gear now, but if the augment can fit into that piece of gear, it will become a lot better. Depending on the augment, some will give you stats such as: +50 hit points or +10 strength. The more points you have, the better the augment. For weapons, it's a bit different and you would have augments such as: +2 poison damage or +3 to disease damage. So, the augments are a fine addition, although if you want to take out the augment, you can't get it back, although if you take it out, then the item will become droppable again, meaning you can sell or trade the item.
Everquest's graphics are definitely aging and this expansion shows. Although there is a notable increase in the graphical clarity, it's still pretty bland and your environments are pretty uninteresting, although just like every other Everquest expansion, graphics isn't the reason your going to play this game.
Everquest lost dungeons of norrath's camps where you can pick these quests up to go on an LDON is found all over the original 3 continents, but only in those continents. There's 5 in all and can be found in various places. Each of the camps you go has there own distinctive dungeon. For isntance, the camp found in South Ro, is the swamp camp, so the dungeon there will be a swamp. In East Commonlands, another zone, the camp there will be in a desert, so the Dungeon will look like a desert. It's nice touches and each of the different Lost dungeons of norrath camps have there own type of monsters. The swamp dungeon has lots of lizards and such while the desert dungeon has lots of sand monsters.
The sound in the game is even worse. No music really plays and the sound of a sword hitting your foe or the spell being cast is extremely boring ot listen to. Just like every other expansion, get ready to have your MP3 player or CD player ready, or turn your TV on.
Everquest lost dungeons of norrath, unlike previous Everquest expansions, is perfect if you only have a few hours to spare, plus you can rack up these Lost dungeons of norrath points and get some huge items while also getting experience points. You can really tell that Sony made sure that all Everquest players were covered in this expansion, not just the most hardcore and dedicated.