Truely one of the best MMORPG out there. It just got me by the neck and pulled me into the world of Norrath!

User Rating: 9.6 | EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin PC
From the day i saw my dad playing this game, i was always like what in the world is that game hes playing. It didnt look the best in graphics at the time, but i soon found out that it was our computer that couldnt handle every graphic. When we updated it, i like the way spells looked, the way us races looked, but to bad the animals and creatures werent updated.... The best part of this game is the community, and the guilds. There is basically a chain of guilds, and to get into the best guild, you almost have to work from bottom up, unless you have connections with friends and such, which makes it impossible to be the best unless you have friends, or in a guild and all that. Raids are fun, but take a while to get started. Monsters that spawn only once a week - a month, there are tons of "bosses", or raid mobs, that need a raid group to kill them. Theres all sorts of places, dungeons, caves, underwater caves/cities/areas, forests, deserts, snowy areas, all sorts of places. There are so many places its great. Places with electronic monsters, all built on machines, (old machines that use steam, and broken bolts and stuff) ice giants, human giants, dragons, lizards, bears, sharks, all sorts of monsters. After playing for a long time with this game, it had me sucked into it, all my time was just consumed by this game. So many quests, so many friends, guilds, oppurtinities for getting a great item, or a great guild, may arise sometime, and which in itself creates a true story, not the one Sony has written in the little book while playing, but the story about you your character. I was a very talkitive person on this game, and sometimes got into stuff i really didnt want to get into, like leaving a guild, or making an enemy of another guild, which can lead up to problems, and hatred, and of course a bad reputation. The story given is boring, but once you play alot on this game, its not long before you develope a story of your own. If you dont use everything the game has to offer, you are missing out on all the fun, raids, hunting for items, selling items, buying items, making friends, guilds, and all that great stuff. Travelling used to be fun, but then there were maps they putted in later, which i really didnt like, because then you could get lossed, it was so easy to travel, some of you may like that, but i didnt..... With all that said, there is really only one more subject to cover, and thats PVP. After playing this game on the PVP server for a pretty long time, i soon realized that PVP was even funner than the regular server. Not only do you truely have enemies, but you even have guild enemies, some guilds dont like others and what not, but it gets bigger than that. EQ and Sony i think did not actually intend for this to happen. People are sometimes sided, either on the PK side, or the Anti-PK side lol. This is really funny because Anti-PKs also kill other people, but only the "PKers". So in the end, there are basically two sides, but one (the PK side) doesnt care if your a PKer also, they will kill you, even if your not an Anti-PKer. Two sides, and one of em (pk side) is broken up with guilds, and friends, and sometimes even rambo people., they dont care if you are a pker also, they kill anyone but there friends, as for Anti-pkers, they kill only pkers. This added to the paragraph above, makes one unique game, its truely one of the best MMORPGs out there. Give the game 1 day, 24 hour (total gameplay, as in the time you have played the game on a character overall), an by then you should be sucked into the world of Norrath. Over time the difficulty goes up, but so does your skill, so your able to manage all the problems, and bumps and overcome it. So its easy at first, and begins to get harder, but if you take advice, you will start to know the ways of the game. I recommend this game to all RPG fans, and to anyone who (or would) loves to get sucked into another type of world besides this one here.