This game was probably one of the best games ever. It had everything. You could solo or group, or quest small or epic. You could do so many things, it was amazing. One bad thing was grinding, although they added so much content that you really didnt need to grind, you could just move from one thing to another and gain plenty of experience. The real problem is EQ2! They got greedy and thought they could support 2 games, but they took half the players away, and many didnt like eq2, and tried WOW or others. EQ had cornered the market. Now since they lost so many players, it really isnt as fun. I still play time to time but most of the people I used to know are gone, and its a shame because it seems like if they would have just put the effort of EQ2 into the original, they could have kept all those players they lost and added to the pool. I played this game for years, and I will bet I havent seen half the game, it is HUGE! Also, when they added the PoP, the game added a bit too much complexity for more casual gamers. It almost seems intimidating for even veteran players since there is so much to know to get into the higher planes. Which is fine, since it isnt a must, but most people who just start this game have no idea what is going on. It literally will take years and plenty of off game study to even scratch the surface of this game. The costs of all the expansions, which are constant, and the monthly fee, it makes this way too pricey.
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The first time I saw Everquest was back in 1999, and I was 13 years old. I was at my buddy Nick's house. I saw him running around the Planes of Karana, and was just shocked at how open ended the world was. I was very... Read Full Review
I can't speak for how the game is now but for the four years I played it I can share.... The good times I first started playing Everquest March 5, 2002. I was hooked from the first time I had created my first char... Read Full Review