If it were not for the raiding; I would still be playing it.
- Brought a few new ideas to the community, such as a tank which ditch little damage.
- Decent amount of customisations (classes/AAs).
- Some soloing. (not for strong soloers, but casual soloers might still find some measure of fun in it)
- Some tradeskills. (weaker gear, nice for alternates)
- Some PvP. (Arena or specific servers)
- Painful travels.
- Death penalty quite steep.
- Lots of expansions (if you like the game, an expansion in itself is always a good news)
- Adapt and improve to some extend.
But raiding enforcement, you either raid or lose any form of ego.
Best expansions: LDoN, focus is on instancing and on grouping.
Worst expansion: Velious, adds more raiding and very little else.
All in all, my time in EQ would have been quite good, if it was not for this raid-ending, again it ruins and spoil any good feeling I could have kept.
I doubt I would have gone out and try other MMOs if it wasn't for raiding. Raiding not only make me try other games, it kills EQ for me.