EverQuest is a great game, but it requires some getting used to.
User Rating: 9.1 | EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin PC
First of all, if you play WoW and hear a bunch of people arguing and saying how much Everquest "sucks" do not listen to them. Because, to a new player the UI is very confusing compared to WoW and the graphics are not that great either. But this game, undeniably has 6x more content than World of Warcraft will ever hope to have. They have more tradeskills, more land, more quests, and more levels. WoW has 9 classes? Well, Everquest has 16. WoW has 8 races (soon to be 10) Everquest has 16. Let's also say that Everquest has much more than 300 square ***real-life!*** miles in the world of Norrath. But, like I said this game requires some getting used to. The UI is much more confusing and bulky than WoW. But, after playing for awhile it is a snap and has many more features than the WoW UI. What is also really cool is that you can download custom UIs from websites!
Do not even think of buying or playing this game if all you care about is graphics and sound. This game is not the most advanced in that league. But if you believe in content, buy this game.
Free trial@ everquest.com