For The First Time, A Video Game Qualifies For An Oscar
The relaxing PS4/PC game Everything is eligible for an Oscar in the animated film category.
The relaxing PS4/PC game Everything is eligible for an Oscar in the animated film category.
Check out the upcoming game, Everything out now on PlayStation 4.
Is there anything you can't be in Everything? The lobby crew discusses this bizarre yet cool indie game.
Everything is now available on PS4.
Watch extended gameplay footage from Everything featuring the Giant Bomb crew.
Everything is a consciousness simulator coming to PS4 on March 21st. Pre-order it March 14th!
Find out what's coming out in Spring 2017 in the PLAY Collective.
Six games releasing over the next six weeks can be had for 20 percent off if you're a Plus subscriber.
These games will be playable at the PlayStation PAX East booth.
Sony lists off the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR games it will have playable on the show floor.
Check out the EVERYTHING coming out for the Playstation 4.
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