Ho.....Ly......crap. This game is screwed up....twisted and freaky...and i can get enough....
They are all real people in this game, no computer animated characters, so graphics would be......0 but im giving it a 10 anyway becouse it give the right atmosphere which is apart of graphics.
gamplay is very basic a point and click type game. Pretty basic but it uses it in elaborate ways so not so good but good
sound......get me the soundtrack plz. Ok the music creeps the ***t outa me it makes my ears want it to stop. But it sets the mood so well i can turn the music off.
Value: worth the 28 i spent without i doubt if i new it was going to be this good i woulda gladly payed 50.
Some puzzles are harder than others like some are just simple point and click the right thing....others take you to a link where you find something that will aid you on your quest to get this guy.others are less than hard but less that simple, like this girl blinks her eyes and you must write down how many she does. CREEPY cuz it was so real i thought i playing life. I was fully imersed. i thought she was real, the killer was real everything was real.......i am creeped out to even look at the CD case right now. if you can find this game(kinda hard to find in small towns/cities) buy it it is very cheap and it's worth it. Just before purchasing....have the internet or you game will not wotrk at all it requires that you be on the internet 100% of the time you play. But you dont pay, and have some kind of email at your disposle cuz if not your game wont be very fun