Evil Dead: So Slow-So Boring
First of all it's very slow. You may experience this slowness even after runing it on a powerful game, because it does not relate to your PC hardwares but it's all about game's core itself. The whole game except FMVs are like an slow motion movie. Ash (Your character) is a real slowcoach and it takes years to move from this scene to next one. The game does not allow you to modify resolution and so you've got to keep yourself satisfied with 640X480 pixels.
Your enemies are supposed to scare you but they don't. They're designed so silly. They're bad in graphic details. All characters except Ash were drawn very badly.
Handling and Navigating Ash is also a tough and boring job. Sometimes you may think that he's drunk and can't walk on the right path easily. While fighting or touching you've try for several seconds in order to find the right position for aiming/attacking undeads or touching/picking up objecBoss Boss battles will really bust your head and fingers. They're too hard and I've to say that I couldn't beat the last boss. Ash's being slowcoach is the main reason I believe. I tried that scenario about 60 times and I finally couldn't manage to win. I was always being attacked by the ghoul and I couldn't dodge his attacks because Ash were moving too slowly, rather he was walking.
Save times were too limited and that made the game harder.
The story was very good. It was interesting enough to take you after. Weapons and One-Liners were funny and nice too. Sometimes they helped this game to look a bit interesting.