Best Evil Dead game ever? No Doubt!
User Rating: 8.1 | Evil Dead: Regeneration XBOX
Years ago, the first Evil Dead game was released on PC, and while it was not well recieved by critics, THQ hadn't given up yet. The next Evil Dead was released on the consoles under the name Evil Dead: Fist Full of Boomstick and again was disliked by critics, but started to pick up on some sort of cult following. Now THQ gives it another shot with Evil Dead:Rengeration, and it is far and away the best in the series. Now while the game is not perfect, it is definely a step up from the previous 2 and if your an Evil Dead fan (much like myself), this game does everything right. This time around Ash has a friend named Sam, and much to Ash's dismay, he is a deadite. Now the graphics are a little dated and the level design can be a little repetive, the dialogue is well worth the budget price of $19.99. It's really hard to describe the game to someone who has never seen a Evil Dead movie. But if you have a love for 1 liners, than this is the game you have been waiting for. The games visuals while they are quite poor in comparison to some of the things being released today, they are not bad by any means. Infact the visuals complament the games campy feel, and while they are not the greatest, it's nothing that should take you out of the experience. The sound is the games best attribute. First rate voice acting, and some solid music, the game does shine in the sound department. If you want to laugh, I would say this game is likely to do that, and if you don't, well thats too bad for you.