The Evil Dead games that have been released are pretty much made just to please the films' following. So if you are a fan you're going to get this game regardless. But thankfully things have improved considerably this time around. This is by far the best ED game to date, but that's really not saying much. Repetive missions were this reviewer's biggest gripe. Find spooky egg, follow sidekick, shoot stuff, repeat. The combat itself is pretty fun, mainly due to the weapons, but can become button-mashy at times. In closing, allow me to reiterate that this is a game for Evil Dead fans. If you are a fan, the bargain price should make any disappointment easier to take. Long live Bruce Campbell!
This game introduces many great weapons combos using both weapons in Ash’s hands. There are three different weapons for each arm; in his handless arm there is a chainsaw, which you get an upgraded super chainsaw to repla... Read Full Review
There really hasn't been a "great" Evil Dead game. Unfortunately, the trend continues with Evil Dead: Regeneration. It's not a terrible game- in fact, it's the best in the Evil Dead series, but it's still fairly mediocre... Read Full Review