Overall it could have turned out to be a great game, but unfortunately there are a few things that really ruin it.

User Rating: 7.2 | Evil Dead: Regeneration PS2

As you may, or may not know, this game was based on the popular Evil Dead Trilogy by Sam Raimi. Being a huge fan myself of the Evil Dead Trilogy, I was looking forward to this game ever since I heard about it on this very site. The only other Evil Dead game that I know about is Evil Dead: Hail to the King, which was undeserving of the Evil Dead title. Once it finally did come out, I heard about the bad reviews, and saw screenshots of the crude graphics, but as I always am, I wanted to see for myself. I saw it at blockbuster and rented it because there wasnt enough hype about it to actually buy it without a taste.

It began with a cut-off hand running into a wooden door, which i remember as being one of the funniest things in Evil Dead 2, probably the best of the series, and that got my hopes up from the start. I was happy to see that even the title screen was true to the Evil Dead that Sam Raimi made so popular, with the girl dancing in front of the cabin, but enough about the title screen, lets talk about the actual game.

I loved the fact that Ash is now locked up in the Sunny Meadows insane asylum, and even better was the fact that this game in itself was done just like they would do an Evil Dead 4. It has the same great humor, and even the same interesting and unique 'camera-work' that I loved in the movies.

The beginning tutorial was quite a treat for me because it was the first time that the cabin from the first two films was put into a game and was really fun to see the things that bring back memories (i.e. the laughing lamp/moosehead/drawers)

I was mostly impressed with the gameplay in this one, adding a few fun features. It is just so very fun to slice and dice deadites with that beautiful arm-welded chainsaw, and then finish them off with a double-barrel remington blow to the head. And something that i loved was that they introduced a bunch of new weapons and gadgets (arme-welded flamethrower, arm-welded grappling hook, rocket launcher, etc.)

Another thing that impressed me was the abundance of different enemies, with demons of all kinds as apposed to all deadites. The boss battles, while way too easy, were really fun and even elaborately thought out.

The sound was great. Bruce Campbell's lame comments made it all worthwhile for me, and the new character Sam (half-deadite, half-human midget with a true New Yorkers way of talking) was very funny as well. The music wasnt great but I dont think it really matter to me in a game.

Now for the things I didnt like:

-The graphics were lude, crude, and to tell the truth just extremely ugly, with so many mistakes in camera angles, people going through walls, oh my god there are just soooo many mistakes. It unbearable

-The game was too short for me, it seemed like it ended after it had just began.

-It redefines the word repetive, I mean every once in a while there will be something new but it was way to repetive.

-They just overrun you with enemies when they run out of things to challenge you with, which makes it yes a little harder, but just plain stupid.

Overall it actually isnt that bad of a game. As a rental it was fun, a quick game with some good points and somce not-so-good ones. It had humor. IIt had Bruce Campbell. It had deadites, what more could you ask for??

But seriously if you want a fun and easy game that you dont have to think to hard on, or are just a huge fan of the movies, then pick it up ON SALE
but its not really worth the full paying price. Or maybe rent it.

THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK!!!!! (awww good old Ash with his catchy one liners)