Best Evil Dead game yet. Though that doesn't say a whole lot.
User Rating: 7.6 | Evil Dead: Regeneration PS2
Anyone wishing for Evil Dead 4 movie, should play this. Bruce Campbell returns to voice Ash again. Along with Ted Raimi (Sam Raimi's brother) as the voice of Sam (a deadite midget sidekick). The game is pretty much hack n slash, no big departure from A Fistful of Boomstick. What makes this game better is the constant conversations with Ash and Sam. Ash is always picking on Sam, they are always going at it. Definately some of the funniest Evil Dead moments so far. But that is really the only thing that makes this game playable, otherwise you would be stuck with an average hack n slash. Graphics are probably the biggest drawback, if you have an Xbox and a hdtv, play the Xbox version instead. It has 720p. Evil Dead fans play this game, anyone else maybe just a rental.