Evil Dead at It's Finest

User Rating: 8.5 | Evil Dead: Regeneration XBOX
Im not sorry to say i loved this game! From the very begining where he is in the cabin and the laughing deer head taunts him, it's right out of evil dead 2. Personally i think this games story line could very well be evil dead 4! it was great i enjoyed having unlimited ammo because only in the 2nd movie did neone have to reload the shotgun. The first game sucked because u spent most of your time trying to find gas cans and shotgun ammo, in this game you can just dish out the harshness!!!! I love this game as much as i love the movies, its got witty bruce campbell lines as well as fun (yet kind of repetitive ) game play! And i love the fact that ted Rammi from The man with the screaming brain and army of darkness and other sam films is the voice of Sam the half Deadite! Granted i wouldnt have got this game if it wasn't at blockbuster for 3 bucks buuuut its the best 3 bucks i ever spent!!!! GETTTT ITTTTTTTTTT!