An interesting computer game which focuses on being the bad guys instead of good

User Rating: 5.7 | Evil Genius PC
Evil Genius was an interesting game that I picked up while I Was off at CompUSA and I Wasn't sure of what to buy while I was there. However when I got the game it did prove to b e quite an interesting game when I had played it for quite a while, although its replay value behind the game is weak. The graphics behind the game are quite well done, however there are many aspects to the game that still leave much to eb desired. The main concept of the game is quite original as there really aren't all that many games where you are actually the main badguy who seeks to take over the world. The game is a mix of a sim city game where you build your own secret hidden lair, with a mix of strategy as you have to send your minions all over the globe in order to cause evil deeds to raise up your reputation as someone who is evil. However I personally hate the fact that you have to build each soldier up from a single level which causes quite a long waiting time, not to mention the gameplay is quite slow and it takes a long time in order to get things executed. But like many of the other games in my collection it also boasts many cartoonish like looks to it in general.