Best described as a SIMS games that revolves around making your own evil lair. Interesting premise, mixed results.
User Rating: 6.9 | Evil Genius PC
This is a control type game, where you monitor and micromanage an evil genius to gain world domination. As such, micromanagement does not suit everyone and I am one of those people. Speaking as an evil genius, we do not like micromanagement -- we liking coming up with crazy unrealistic plans and leave the execution to our minions. But enough of reality. The Good: -Interesting concept -The game has style -THE SIMS type gameplay (will appeal to fans) The Bad: - The SIMS type gameplay (will turn off those with short attention spans and those who hate micromanagement and repetition) The Ugly: -Gets boring and repetitive REAL quick. I spent way more time on SimCity even though I hate micromanagement type games. While interesting in itself, one really needs the personality to play such tedious games that focus on micromanagement. Although I hated it, you make like it.