Evil zone is a gem of its kind. The revolutionary graphics and cool game-play creates immersive gaming experience on PS1
Their are some simple combos and a couple of powers ranging from short to long range magical, biological and fictional powers. Game utilizes every bit of the console hardware and proved worthy of its name "Evil Zone". A lot of gamers can find their challenge in the game.Even though the game is short, this game will push the gamers to its limits and creates an interest to play with all the characters available in game. It may be guardian angel, a sadist sword, some sacred ritual papers or even galactic beam from a remote satellite, what ever the weapon is there is a challenge for every gamer. The fun actually starts with challenging a friend just like arcade style. This game is an addictive multiplayer arcade which is fun to challenge the friends to a battle like all other arcade games of the era.
The impressive and immersive features of Evil Zone made this a gem of its kind.