Testosterone, Adrenaline and maybe some THC. There is lots of fire. Casual gamers wet (fie
There is lots of fire.
Its impossible to talk about the fine points of this game because it is not a fine game. It takes the idea of X4 Driving to a new level. If played well, you will spend more time in the air than you do on the ground and, oh yes
There is lots of fire.
The game is in a similar strain to Diehard 4.0 in that the entire aim of the game is to deliver explosions, carnage and destruction, and I really must emphasize the point that:
There is lots of fire.
The game is hilariously fun to play with friends and it is as much fun to watch as it is to play. The graphics are reasonable but not groundbreaking apart from the explosions etc...
Definitely worth buying if you just want some mindless fun