A satisfactory mix of RPG and turn based strategy elements in a historical setting
How many games of this type gives you option to choose your party,manage your party,have elements like hunting,guarding has very good AI and in some cases it can be a bit to much challenging especially for casual players,but you can modify difficulty and even on normal (and most likely on easy) its very satisfying,my point is its very in-dept strategy game and it has wide range of options both for casual and old hardcore players who were dying hard for challenge.
Also you need to worry about random events like disease,you need to worry about supplies especially food,because you can't venture and explore without it and not raise rebellion among your followers and a lot more.
Also story is pen 'n' paper but its written very well,its like reading a book. Also there are standard perks like leadership,tactic now every one of them including diplomacy is important,because depending on which you choose it will affect your character and at the end there is moral element in the game.
Graphics are nice for a turn based strategy game and it keeps a retro look and it still look like modern game.There are a lot of feature and they did very good job with tutorials and tooltips so with a little of reading and watching illustration you will learn mechanics and features in no time...