the fact that Exteel is free doesn't mean that you should get it because it's main slling point is also it's down
allow me to explain.....the action may not be as fast paced as the cod series......but it was satisfying had a decent levelling system, with players earning points to upgrade various attributes...a credit system in which players earn credit from competing in battles, and they can use these credits to buy parts to upgrade their mech or weapons. Exteels got your standard death match and team death match, with capture the flag and territory control (a battlefield type game mode) and something that was new to me....Last Stand, where a team of players defend 2 control points against waves of mech bots. Yep, Exteel has the entire good game concept down....but what makes it one of the worst games I have ever played? The first warning light started blinking when I noticed that there were some items that could only be bought via NC coins, which could only be obtained by exchanging real then I am not a big fan of people paying real money to buy better items than those who slave for it but I thought yeah, this is kinda ok since other games do this as well, plus it's free so it is only logical that some elements can be purchased with real money. It only started getting bad when every item could be purchased with NC coins, meaning that the rich smugs with too much money can buy the most expensive items while those of us with brains have to slave over constantly grinding our money. It got really bad when the NC coin exclusive items were way better than the free ones, except the really expensive one which no righteous person can be bothered to afford. This is only just the items in the games, so let's talk about the weapons :D. Apparently the developers of Exteel never heard of weapon is a tip if you want to win, the first free smg you get that never breaks down is the best.....that's right, it has the best rate of fire, and everyone seems to spam it, if your skilled enough you can kill someone in one overheat (the equivalent of anti-spam) it has a low cool-down (reload) and it never breaks down (kinda forgot to mention that all equipment breaks down after awhile unless repair at a ridiculous cost). Lastly there is the attributes, several of which aren't even worth investing in, and once you have spent your points, you can't remove them. Health and Energy (Which you need for these special moves, which you buy and they expire after 30 days) are only raised by 10 per point, so they're not even worth it, scanning....don't even bother. The only decent ones are speed and accuracy. Now I'd waste my time going on to complain about everything else that's bad about this game, but I've done enough damage, and I'm also guessing that you just skipped my entire review just to read the conclusion so here it is..... Exteel is fun, there I said it, but it isn't gonna create its own cult or something, no it has way to many flaws, the last I heard of it was that they released a update that finally nerfs the Tommies (the first smg that I was complaining about) although not by much....anyway if you have both the time and/or money to waste away then yeah, download Exteel and enjoy it's l33t F4!L