It makes The Thing for the PS2 look like a winterland walkabout...a really enjoyable experience, is Extermination!!!
Most people have gone and said that the gameplay is more or less like The Thing....but wait a sec....both games are set in Antartica....but The Thing is mainly running around in the snow, trying to find excrutiatingly difficult items and checkpoints...and then theres the annoyance of sharing ammo and guns with your team mates (and winning their bloody trust in order to stay alive!) So its not just flesh chomping aliens you have to worry about.....
Whereas in this game there is more of a feel-good factor....the graphics are smooth running, you work around a variety of environments, and although you may not be working solo all the time, your team mates will not try to fry you to a toast when they doubt you have an infection!!!!
I have only played upto the forts save point, anf found it a really good game...the way the charcters move and the environment moves gives me a feeling of the Soul Reaver type of movements....although the story and gameplay are completely different.....It is also meant to be a bit of a horror (which slowly but surely comes at you , and builds up throughout the game; it even gives u a warning at the start of disturbing scenes, like Capcom horror flicks!)...ther is also a lot of action, with army tactics like stealth and first person to third person shooting perspectives....a bit of casual comedy is thrown in, with a variety of other emotions, so its not a bland "I am freezing my pants off" etc chit chat you come across....another factor which made the chekcpoint/item finding in The Thing the more excrutiating!!!!!
I think this one game which is somewhat under rated...the graphics and gameplay are very good (bearing mind mind it was early days for the PS2 yet), and the story line is also immersive....its such a shame that they didn't make a sequel to this one....