Is it wrong to say I actually like this game?

User Rating: 8 | Extreme Rock Climbing PC
Head Games and Creative Carnage (The developers/publishers of Extreme Paintbrawl) bring us another "Extreme" PC game.

Extreme Rock Climbing??? How stupid can you be?

Well, sadly, I enjoyed this game...

They've made such games like Extreme Paintbrawl, Extreme Tennis, etc. And they all suck. Extreme Rock Climbing? Well, it proves that Creative Carnage and Head Games are definitely improving, but only slightly.

As said in the title, it's a game where you go Rock Climbing. Virtually... Not saying I'm too lazy or anything, but simply because, well, I'm afraid of heights. There's gotta be some reason for this game, right? Heh...

ANYWAY, this game has got some serious compatibility issues. When you put the disc in, the installer crashes! You have to put the setup.exe in Windows 95 compatibility for it to actually work. Luckily enough, it worked. I'm saved!

The game installed, and it placed a horrible icon in my start menu. I don't even know what it is...

Anyway, I ran the game. Put everything in Win95 Compatibility, or you're screwed. I did that, and ran it. I tried running it in Direct3D mode, which usually works, but CRASH. Then I tried Software mode, and sadly, it was the only one that worked.

Software mode looks absolutely horrid, but it was the only thing that worked.

So at the title menu, you have different options.

One which is just the casual climbing, the second which is capture the flag, and another which is solo climb. Solo climb is basically where you climb the wall without a rope. And other options I never bothered to care about.

You have 12 different walls to choose from, and a crap load of climbers to choose from. I don't know why, since it doesn't change anything by the climber you choose.

The controls are simple. Just walk up to the wall with the arrow keys, and click on a rock to climb. There is a bar that comes up, the first for energy, which you just let it go to the top, then there's the accuracy bar. You just click when it hits the green.

Then you have your heart rate, and if it goes down, you fall off the wall.

To gain your heart rate, you have to eat "Power Bars" every now and then.

Without those power bars, you're officially screwed.

Also, the graphics are AWFUL.

Well, that's it for my review for "Extreme Rock Climbing."