This game is wonderful, like a lovesong to wrestling and the world surrounding it. A Must Download.

User Rating: 9 | Extreme Warfare Revenge PC
In a world surrounded by games with violence, suck as Mortal Kombat, Tekken and Soul Calibur, there is one genre that has enticed a lot of fans to lay the Smackdown on the computer or a friend. A game genre that needs no introduction, and the thing that it is based on makes billions of pounds/dollars/yen a year. Wrestling.
Now, it's pretty fair to say that the WWF/E series of games have dominated the shop shelves, and indeed, our games consoles.The solid grappling was fun, but the makers of the WWF/E series decided to branch out one year with GM Mode. Fans did not like it, however, and they decided that it did not work.

They obviously didn't play Extreme Warfare Revenge. Known as EWR to intimate fans, the wrestling community would have to reconsider that a wrestling management game wouldn't work.

The game looks tame enough from the exterior. It features near enough 20 real life feds including WWE, TNA and CZW. But to really love this game, you've gotta dig deeper.

Don't think of it as a game, think of it as a hobby. It is capable of consuming so much of your time that you may start to think you are actually the head of your federation. And that's the way it should be.

The game plays out as a basically simple game. But depending on your promotion, your experience will vary. If you take control of say, WWE, you have to make 3 or 4 shows in a week. If you are smaller (say, backyard) you will have to focus on working your way up, from getting low brow wrestlers to work for you, to organising a monthly small event.

But the greatness of the game doesn't lie in the game. It lies in the game editor. With it you are able to update the roster(and lets face it, it is 2008), make sponsors, staff, tv networks, title belts etc. There is a lot to do.