Most fun I've had playing a game in a 2 years. Just good old fashion having a great time.
That being said, this is the funnest game I've played in 2 years.
At its core it is a shadowrun like world,
Pyschic Powers
In anycase you are a high level spook living in a corporation driven world, at odds with the law, constant wars between corporate body guards, looters, theives and new appearing monsters driven by somekind of pyschic cosmic buildup(or something)
This game is not for the guy who loves's hard.
I think part of the game is that it shoots for a degree of realism in that
enemies die easily.... but they really try to zerg you. There are also serious consequenses for death, in some cases permenant stat loss.
Given this condition it makes you really want to avoid dying and makes playing a lot more fun.
You can super jump on top of balcony's, use a sniper rifle to scope a far away target, then teleport inside his body, fragging him then shooting everyone around him.
You can actually use Swords pretty well in this game, charging at a group of enemies, blocking their bullets then cutting their heads off.
You can hack defensive system or even other peoples cyberbrains, take remote control of them. Turn turrets onto your side, hack bank terminals.
Having a hard time summing up the game I guess. I rate games on how much fun they are, and this game is fun. All I can say is that it has a bunch of bugs, it's hard as hell, but it is really a ton of fun. Also did I mention it has online coop?