AntiGrav is a complicated game to setup, but if you look beyond that you see a medicore game.
"AntiGrav" is a future based racing game thats uses you to control your charecters movements. During the game you get to fly around huge cities, in mid air even in the middle of streets on hover boards. You get to pick in between a variety of characters, some better then others. You can unlock diffrent hover boards for the charecters which can be useful, because the game is can get tricky at points. There are also a wide variety of environments you get to zoom around, wich adds a lot to this game.
What really draws me away from playing "AntiGrav" is how hard it is to control.
Before every race the game locks on to your face. But in order for it to stay locked on to you, you have to stay in the same place without moving your feet, or your character will go nuts and jump and turn all over the place.
During races you have to over come a series of obstacles. Such as jumping over stuff, crouching and waving your hand to touch these things that make you go faster. All this stuff is pretty fun once you get your body in a safe and comfortable place.
"AntiGrav" did not give me the freedom I wanted when I purchased this game. Your movements are limited, because you have to be on rails for the most part. The rails that you go onto are not all that bad, basicly what they are is these things that lead you around the course. You get to choose between two different rails to go on purple and green( sometimes other colours). Both rails have a diffrent trail, some faster then the other.
I thought "AntiGrav" is a fun party game that you can invite your friends over and have a great time.