EyeToy is a cool concept, but the design is flawed.
User Rating: 4.2 | EyeToy: Groove PS2
I own both EyeToy: Antigrav and Groove, and Antigrav is the most fun and the most functional. Groove is a frustrating mess especially when trying to navigate the menus. In a few years this type of entertainment may be updated enough to really capatalize on it's potential, but as it stands now, the EyeToy is nothing more than a cool but flawed gimmick. Gameplay: Considering you'll probably give up before you even begin due to menus that will want to make you scream at them, you may not even experience this game before you return it. Don't worry however, you won't be missing out on much. This is your everyday music game in the same vein as Donkey Konga, only more annoying, but with better tunes. It would have been cool if they could have varied the gameplay a bit more than the same stuff every round however. Graphics: Well this depends on how you look. If you look good, you'll see fuzzy video of your good-looking self on the screen, if your bad looking, well you get the picture. The blips that float across for you to hit with the beats look cheesy and dull. Some of the effects are nice however. Sound: Great music for the most part. Would have liked to have seen more rock stuff however. Value: Not even worth $10 due to the frustration involved in navigating the menus. Bottom Line: Don't buy.