A fair enough, interactive game with twelve different mini-games to play.
When "Eyetoy" was first released and I played it for the first time, I thought it was excellent which led me to buy it. After playing for about a week, the same old mini-games can get VERY boring. The games will have their ups and downs but they will most likely be boring to play over and over with no unlockable levels, games and a very poor multiplayer mode.
There are twelve games which are made very poorly. The EYEToy Camera vaires from picking up almost all movements to not picking up any movements at all.
Multiplayer is the worst in the game, the players will take turns to play each game to earn points.
The best games are: Wishi Washi, Keep Ups, Boxing Chump and Kung Fu, most of the others are very bad.
The graphics were done very badly, but I guess the game is a lot like Wario Ware Smooth Moves, in which the graphics don't really matter.
Of course the gameplay is definately the best. The game is interactive and is a lot like the Nintendo Wii console, but a little more boring.
The sound is okay. The quality of the music is fairly low but the voices are pretty good.
I'd probably say that this game is worth it if you like interactivity but it will defiantely get boring so don't say I didn't warn you.
Overall, it is a pretty fun game but is bad in multiplayer and will get boring after a while.
EYETOY UNIVERSE: Eye Toy Play 2 (PS2) Eyetoy Play 3 (PS2) Eyetoy (PS3)
SIMILAR TO: Nintendo Wii