Fear Files is definitely great for those that experienced the original Fear on the 360.

User Rating: 8 | F.E.A.R. Files X360
Fear Files contains the two expansion packs from the PC into one package. The two expansions are Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate. Extraction Point takes place right after the first one where a massive explosion occurs and your flown out of the city. Perseus Mandate takes place during both as you play as a different character and travel through different areas and complete different objectives. The issues I have with this game is the graphics. I am kind of disappointed that they didn't increase the graphics for the 360 port but I guess it still looks okay. A lot of areas look recognizable, such as office areas where the hallways and rooms look almost the same a lot and the same as in the first game. The game features new enemies and weapons so the combat has been increased. the difficulty is also a little harder as such in the later levels, things start to heat up for both games. Overall, if your a huge Fear fan, I'd say pick it up because its only $30 brand new now. If you haven't played the first fear at all, I'd say play that first and then try this one out.