Its FEAR with new weapons and continues the Story....
User Rating: 8 | F.E.A.R. Files X360
FEAR FIles for Xbox 360 is a Double game, which features the two expansions for FEAR. Such as Fear:Extraction Point and the new expansion Persus Mandate. The Gameplay is the same fun gorey close-quarters shooting action that made us love fear, However thats the thing that mainly holds this game back is the Fact that its pretty much the same game with new enemies, and couple of weapons, Not to say these arn't great additions but it would have been nice to see graphics and gameplay to be tweaked abit,I know its only a expansion but it would have been welcomed. The Game still keeps the Scares in fear which never become predictable. Single Player is a blast,Ive only beat extraction point and started persus but it is fun, esspecialy using the new laser and minigun!.
Online is pretty much dead with games like halo 3,Call Of Duty 4, and such youll be lucky to play more then 1 match a day. Also the Ai is really top notch in the game and make for some fun intense hallway gunfights with the room filled with debree and blood, its really cool and you cant experience it anywhere else. So The final question... Is this Game worth the Money? well it really depend on how much you like fear, and if you can get past multiplayer being dead. But one thing's for sure it never hurts to go out and rent this game for yourself for a weekend or, even just to give it a try.