Gameplay : DAMN HARD. This game will have you cursing for hours at it's difficulty. Why? Sometimes no guardrails, 29 other racers makes for alot of hits, game can be unpredictable, the insane amount of seconds the game has you beat a level (In the first one, on hard, you have to get 30 capsules in a minute). I swear, this is considered one of the hardest games of all time, right up there with Ninja Gaiden 1 and 3. Even though alot of people will quit this game in the timespan of 5 hours. However, if you are either really good at racing games or your just some freak, you would beat the game. I sometimes review games I haven't even finished yet, but know just enough data on it to review it.
Sound: Heavy Metal and rock. Need I say more? Fine. Pumps you with adrenaline, fits F-Zero's wild races, and makes you think you will win...before swearing at the fact you lost.
Graphics : Amazing for the Gamecube. I don't know how to describe them, because they look like Star Fox Adventure's graphics. Speaking of SFA, I might review that soon.
Overall : This game is amazing, and hard as hell, and you should get it. It's 5 bucks at Gamestop, so yeah.
Overall Rating : 8.5
Rating : Good!