A great action fast paced racing game with a nice roster list!
Let's start off with the sound 9.0 : Great job done here. The great amount of techno/metal racing rock is greatly put into this game. The sound sounds great! There's no skipping in tracks either!
Plot: 7.5 Well here's the deal: You do different kinds of missions in this game and there's 9 of them. Some could be a time trial and training type missions, or others could be racing to get 1rst against another racer in the game. i thought that it's a unique gameplay style
Graphics 8.5 The graphics in this game are really well thought out! You have all the racers and their cars to start out with for this part of the review and then you have the customization feature and a few cutscenes in the story mode, though they aren't the best graphics, they certainly ARE NOT the worst graphics either!! In fact these graphics are great for a gamecube game :)
On to Unlockables, There is much to do here! Well to start off you get things unlocked by buying them in the shop with these tickets you earn by doing the story mode and the racing grand prix. Here you can buy characters, or car parts or even the story mode levels.
Overall score 8.5
Well that wraps up my review for F-Zero GX
If you want a great racing game or fun multiplayer this would be it for hopefully 3.99$ at your local Gamestop :)
Until next time ~Wolverine out~