Very good installment demanding and satisfying. Good looking, rewarding fast and detailed.

User Rating: 9 | F1 2010 PC
The graphic is imho good (but on the other hand I have old PC :D) and it looks really nice to race in many different climate zones, continents and weather conditions. Driving system can be either simple as hell when you just push accelerate and don't think or it can be one of the most demanding I've seen and punish you for every, even small, mistake. First hour or so I spent to learn how to drive but it was time well spent. Races... You can choose difficulty for each and length of it. I preffer longer races as you have to be consistent as in real F1. You have to beat your teammate (pity that you can't talk to him or so) achieve the team demands and go on top. I advise before each race to take 10-15 practise laps to get to know the track and best your time. Very detailed mechanics and options, R&D, one car differs from another not only by colour. All in all very good game worth of buying.