F1 2011 takes what F1 2010 has and makes it better, but the few niggles are still there.

User Rating: 9.5 | F1 2011 X360
It was always going to be hard to follow up F1 2010 with an even better sequel but Codemaster have managed it. The graphics have become even more realistic and all the brilliant game modes that made the first game good have been made very well again.
The format of the game is much the same as 2010 with the career mode being the main part of that. The best new feature is the inclusion of the safety car as it has been lacking from all other f1 titles and another good inclusion is the ability to pick more teams at the start of your career instead of being stuck with the back three.
Although the good points have been improved upon, the bad things from 2010 still remain like the pit lane sequence and slight buffering style delay while racing.
Codemaster are nearly there with the perfect racing sim. They've got the good things right, they just need to address the small issues in F1 2012. If they do that, then the sequel could possibly be one of the greatest racing games of all time.