F1 2011 review after almost year of playing. review from experience and what I have seen so far.
First of all I will say I'm disappointed.
This is one of the games which should be unique and amazing. and this game could be but if will be developed by other company not codemasters.
Single player mode in this game is quiet interesting and brings fun but in the first 1 or 2 seasons in career mode. for me personally this is too easy. you can go too easily from poor team in to the one of the top ones and also even in poor team you can won the race on the legenend AI's difficult. SHAME.
in F1 game from Sony the single player was much better because player was able first to do tests in the teams competitive with 2nd driver to show skills etc and then try real race in f1 2011 from codemasters NO! straight away races without nothing. You sing up with Lotus and you start racing in longest 7 seasons mode too short sorry. after 1st season you can have a chance to sing in with much better teams which is ok but not for 100% because in time when you sign in with better team BMW e.g. then you are unbeatable because level of AI's driving is to low way too low. On legend in better team like BMW you can overtake them easily and won every race. so after 2nd season this game become boring!. also not realistic damages of the cars. just front wing looks more realistic but other body car parts no. to damage the car completely you have to hit the wall with 280 km/h in Sony that was much much much better because when you span out and hit the wall your wheels was go of etc. so looks for me more realism to real world f1. No suspension damages such as gear box etc. sometimes punctures but from CODE masters and on this level of game is not enough to satisfy player and sorry but is not worth £40 in UK.
on of the biggest disappointments, mistakes, bugs etc is multiplayer mode something on what waiting every player. Multiplayer mode in F1 2011 codemasters is CRAP!!!!!!!!!!
I don't understand person who make and create the racing rules in the multiplayer. what the hell ? :) This person was blind or completely out of f1 knowledge. other players can crash you or take you out of the track but you will get penalty because of illegal overtaking or corner cutting even if you was pushed out by someone else STUPID! Also AI's in multiplayer OMG this is crap is just waste of time and money. AI's are allowed to do everything push you out of the track, crash you, block you, put you in to the wall etc. nothing happen to them no penalties if you do something like this even accidently because other player span out and you touch him but there was no your fault just touch him accidently is your penalty. lol.
the biggest bug in this game and something which makes this game even worst is Safety Car what is that ? hahahah codemasters make this car without any knowledge about coding hehehe. how big bug is this probably every one know.
good things are weather changing tyre were you see the parts on the track after some laps, great driving and steering style DRES and KRES working great realistic like in the f1 world. and this is all.
so in overall this game is not worth £40 tooooooo much for the quality, of this game. max price should be 15 to 20 for this what codemasters did. very very disappointment. But we cannot do nothing because just codemasters have a rights to produce f1 games so we never get good quality f1 game from them.
I can ensure every one if there will be f1 game from other company like EA or even Sony Iam 100% that codemasters will lose a lot of customer because this game honestly is crap.
in overall I will give to this game 4 out of 10.
Thanks and I hope f1 2012 brings much more changes and improvements. Because is very need it for this game and for codemasters because after 2 f1 games which they give to players they lose my respect and I'm sure respect of millions of people around the world.