cool game, altho im on a rage hiatus atm lol.
some of the differences to this game you'll notice is that there is a line you can follow to help you. Its a nice line and is a great aid overall, but it does feel a bit like cheating using it.
That and it does auto brake for you. when you come flying up on a turn you'll notice the ai hit the brakes. Im sure you can turn this off, but some turns can certainly come out of know where on you id imagine, I have challenge enough with just keeping the right line and knowing when to let off the gas or brake when im on a slightly off this perfect line.
Its a bit tricky getting to know the how the ai is going to come in on a turn (as far as accelerating and braking), you can tell they put effort into the system, but sometimes you find yourself wondering why you don't have engine power at strange times. if there are issues or you just straight up crash you get a limited number or reloads to try again which was kinda cool I suppose.
Another interesting mechanic was the kers and drs systems which are both newer f1 racing upgrades you'll see in rl. One is like a 10% hp bonus for a limited amount of time per lap (yes this does refill per lap), and the other is just a flap on your wing that gives you an extra speed bonus to help with overtaking defense etc.
Id recommend using either system only on the straights and not in the corners, both systems seem to wanna knock the real wheel lose and spin you out so I tend to save it for straights and overtaking/defense but its nice to have a nitro or boost option to experiment and play with, especially one that is based on real systems in use today.
Overall I was having a great time until I just hit a line of tracks that I keep spinning out from and cant figure out my mistake which is frustrating, but I suppose this might give me something to work on for awhile. Im just too lazy to get into the car specifics and setup options with much depth. But ya, overall this game looks good, it plays smooth for me, and the gameplay is a good time wit only a coupla kinks. Certainly worth a shot at least and im pretty picky.
EDIT: and come to think of it I think I can even skip tracks, so I might have to come back to her sooner rather then later lol.