While Fable is defffinantly a great RPG, as well as a revolutionary one on some levels, it dosen't live up to its hype.

User Rating: 8.4 | Fable XBOX
Fable is probibly the most highly anticipated game of this year, beaten only by Halo 2. I got this game not expecting it to be all it promised. I've beaten it recently, and though it certainly is a great game, its not perfect. GAMEPLAY: The game is an overall solid RPG system. The character development and combat system are all pretty well put together. The "good evil' system thing is also pretty interesting, as certain actions do determine how your character looks, and how others react around him. However, it isn't as deep as it promised. One of the big downsides though, is that this game is to easy for an RPG. GRAPHICS: Visually, this game looks awe-inspiring. The envornments, while they may not be very expansive, are very rich in detail and life. The game does a good job at making you really feel like your in these areas, and that there are people going about their buisness and everyday lives. Visually, this game should defiantly please. Whats also pretty cool is the character changes dependant on your alignment. Making yourself look evil can really give you a dark, badass look. SOUNDS: The music in this game is fantastic. Its well orchastrated and sets a feel very well. The sounds are also well made, and the voice acting is pretty well done too. There are some cases where it fluctuates a little, but overall this game sounds great. VALUE: While this game is, as I said, a great RPG, there are two big letdowns for it. 1: its to easy, 2: its to short. I beat the game in a total of about maybe, 10 or less hours. It also has questionable replay value. Although you can continue playing even after you beat it, there isn't a whole lot you can do in this. OVERALL: I would personally wait until the price goes down, or do what I did and buy a used game for 34.99 or so. Make no mistake, Fable is a great game, but its not all its cracked up to be. Simply put, dont start this game with high expectations. Just know though that for anyone looking for an epic RPG, I beat the game in only 3 days.