One of the most fun games I've ever played. Need some help deciding whether to buy it. Here's the good and the bad.

User Rating: 9.2 | Fable XBOX
Fable is by far one the most fun games I have ever played. There's a lot to say about this, so I wll break it down into good and bad.

The gameplay. I love the real-time fighting. I love the seamless mixing of magic use and melee. Depending on your personal style, you can fight in so many different ways. Decapitating someone using and arrow or with a sword is savagely satisfying. The non-combat gameplay is fun too, with many decisions in conversations and trading.
Experience. The way experience was done made it very easy to customize your character. Depending on how much you use each skill, it goes up certain amounts. But you also gain an even larger amount of general experience that can be used to upgrade anything. This is really fun if you decide to change how you fight, from magic to stealth or melee to magic etc...
Physical change in the character. This is just plain cool. Depending on how much you get hit, you can get some nice scars. If you use magic, you become skinnier and paler. Even your in-game choices affect your characters appearence. Which leads me to my next point.
the Good vs. Evil scale. Oh, excellent fun. The finishing touch to any good rpg. Depending on your choices, you become more evil or more good. this affects your appearance, how people react to you, and what skills you gain. Adds tons of replay value.
All the other little things-- fun emotes that cause reactions in other characters, marrying, having sex (dont worry little kids, the screen blacks out, you cant see anything), buying homes, forcing people to vacate their homes so that you can buy them(murder), buying avery single property in the world, stealing, little side quests, humorous additions (the frying pan), roaming a large world, opening demon doors. there's lots to do. Everything is replayable.
REPLAY- I've beat this game 3 times. One as a good mage. One as a neutral fighter, and another as an evil mage who likes to shoot peoples heads off with his crossbow.

The Bad-
Some annoying voices. SOme characters in the game have very annoying voices. Bummer.
Length. THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WITH THIS GAME. It took me 15 hours to beat it, and that was when I did everything, literally everything. I don't know how much longer Fable: THe Lost Chapters is, ive never played it.
Unnstisfying ending battle. The final battle is really ****ing easy.
No difficulty settings. You can't change the difficulty. If you want to make it harder, never upgrade armor or weapons or spells. Sadly, the game is too easy.

That may seem like a lot of bad, but truly, the good overrules the bad by an amazing level. Many people have critiqued this game, so there might be something im missing. Rent it first if you're unsure, but no matter what, give the game a try. Trust me