An enjoyable game, altho can get bored easily to Uber-CSS-Lover-Who-Think-RPG-Are-for-Nerds-but-CSS-is-way-worse.

User Rating: 9 | Fable: The Lost Chapters PC
This game has a quite nice storyline, altho a little old... Save your mother and sister bla bla... But it has a great world to explore, the views are great, It has Action, Humor and Role Play something lots games cannot achieve that.

Graphics: This game has some outstanding graphics, and not only that, the World itself was made really great and it fun to explore and find new stuff, to see the masterpiece of the modelers. Great cinematics, make you watch it, and not in like some games you're trying to fin the key that turns off cinematics.

Sound: Nice sound effects and OST, enjoyable, fits the game. Nothing more to add.

Gameplay: The combat system is the same as all RPG games. Good Evil thing is nice altho gets bored after a while.. Do this and youre good... Do that and youre evil, Choose! All the quests are like that Good or Bad.
You can buy a house and put your trophies, which is cool, you can also get a wife, 2 wives, or even 4. There is also gay marriage but well... doesn't care.
Every people in the city havea diffrent opinion about you, so it is very good.
Love kicking the chickens they fly around the world xD
Your character gets older as the time goes, so one day eventually you die? never played that far =\

Some improvements on the main story, some more spells and skills, and it would be way better.And by the way, it has some minor bugs, but most of the people don't even notice, and some overpowered spells, also not noticided by most of people,
Very good game indeed, but, i warn you, if you are a fckin Nerd who does only one thing which is play Counter Strike for more than 20H a day, switching to a game like this would be very bad.
RPG Fans who liked Oblivion and Morrowind, maybe Kotor , would like this, all other RPG Fans would love this too!