Fable TLC is a great game worth replaying but you don't always have to revisit Albion once you have been there.
For those that loved the original, it doesn't mean you have visit Albion for a second time.
Over all, the game is pretty much like playing the original but with a new ending, some new weapons, and other stuff. You can't customize your character just like you couldn't in the first one. The game is still WAY too short for my liking but hey, it is not for me to judge.
Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed the original, AFTER BEATING IT 5 TIMES!!!! The game is way too short for those of you that like longer RPG's. The graphics are great and the storyline is perfect, but other than that a normal play-through would be about a half of a day. I beat the game in about 10 hours and your childhood lasts about 30 mins of the game. The rest is just you getting your butt kicked and you saving Albion. The setting is perfect for this kind of game though, even though the game has a few glitches and it freezes from time to time.
No matter how hard they try, game developers always leave some secrets behind. I mean, if you look hard enough, you are surely to find some.
No matter what I say, you are going to have to buy the game if you haven't or if you have, you will have to save up a load of money and get the 360 version.
All-in-all, I still like the game and if you are bored on a rainy day, then this game is sometimes worth replaying.