People say that it didnt live up to the hype it was anticipating for, but it still delivers a great, full filling rpg.

User Rating: 9 | Fable: The Lost Chapters (Platinum Hits) XBOX
Fable is a rpg that lets you choose who you want to be. Would you rather be a well-known hero, or a Evil Villian raiding towns?

An iteresting thing in Fable is that you grow througout the game, from becomeing a little child, to a famous Hero in town. And it feels that you actually accomplished something.
Not to mention you can buy houses and rent them if you choose to, have wives, go to the pub, and even fish if you dont have enough money for potions or just of the sake of it.

Fables gameplay is also interesting. You have 2 buttons for Melee (X and B) and when you hold down the right trigger those buttons become your Magic. Of course there is also long ranged, which for the bow you switch from your sword. Each time you get exp orbs, which are placed on the ground after you finish an enemy off. You level up your guy by going back to home base (In this case the guild) And by using your exp, buying lv. ups. Whether it be for Stamina, Magic, Accurracy, etc. The variety of equipment you have to choose from is nice, but when you've mastered everything to it's fullest you will obviously be wearing the best armour\weopens and you'll end up wishing there was just a tad more of a variety.

The Main story is about you, who's city got raided as a little boy and basically has to put the pieces of his life together. The story has alot of twists and may have you going 'oh snap!' at some parts. Although I dont complain about this and there is alot of people that do, is that teh main story is only roughly around 12 hours if its rushed, not counting all the other things to do though. And although it is atad to easy, I dont mind and I hope you dont either.

After beating the Main story (or during) Citizens or even other heros put in these things called quest cards. Which is where you do the quest they requested on the card. And luckily for The Lost Chapters version of fable, they have extra quests for you to do.

Fable has alittle bit of a cartoony feel to it but It shouldnt matter to you much. The graphics and nature of things are at there best, so you wont be leaving the game feeling bad about them.

Probably the first bad thing you will notice in fable is the horrible loading times. I havent timed it or anything but trust me, it takes awhile when you first start it up.

And to wrap things up, people say that it didnt live up to the hype it was anticipating for but it still delivers a great, full filling rpg. By the way, it should only be 10-20 bucks at your local game store which also adds to the fact that you should get it if you already havent.