A fun RPG, but lacks what it was hyped for: choices. Despite its shortcomings, it is still an exceptionally fun game.
User Rating: 8.5 | Fable XBOX
Fable was hyped because it was supposed to have more choices than STAR WARS: KOTOR. However, this is not true. Fable has about three major choices during the game. The only choices you really get are things like, "Should i use this huge, powerful sword, or this weaker, faster sword," "To kill or not to kill..." and "Which armor is the most fashionable?" Fable 2 will hopefully be what Fable was supposed to be, as there were reports that Fable was rushed to be released, and therefore was not whole (but Lost Chapters didn't add a whole lot). The game was also extremely easy if you learned the Physical Shield spell and leveled it up. The combat system was also just button mash and cast a few spells if you get in trouble, and eat items if you're hurt. If you find it in a bargain bin, I recommend buying it. Otherwise, just wait for Fable 2.